🇺🇸 And here's a little piece, written by The History Channel, on the carved pumpkins that we see all over the place around Halloween. HISTORY OF THE JACK O’ LANTERN...
🇺🇸 Hi Guys!!! Sorry, it took me like a week, but here is the full text on the origin of Halloween available on The History Channel website. HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN Halloween...
🇧🇷 Muitas pessoas frequentemente me perguntam como se faz para vir morar no Estados Unidos. Então eu separei cinco maneiras legais de se mudar para cá, por um intervalo de tempo...
🇺🇸 Prior to take off I experienced a busy 48 hours eased by Amazon Prime and its guaranteed 2-day-delivery system. Compression socks, string backpack, passport, money pouch, sunscreen, rain poncho, hand...
🇺🇸 When the seed for the study abroad program in China was planted by Dr. Christ, my Business professor, it sounded brilliant, thrilling, but also easy. As an international student from...
🇺🇸 I can’t speak for every soul in every living abroad experience, but I can definitely share mine with you. About a month ago I was asked how moving to the...
🇧🇷 Todo mundo que tem uma mãe por perto em algum momento já testemunhou o cumprimento de alguma profecia. Oi? Isso mesmo. Eu, por exemplo, fico tão chateada quando o dia...